e-mail: contact@ar-ton.com
The studio is situated in Central Poland in the European Union. The studio owner is Artur Glebocki. This person is responsible for the selection of audio devices which are used for mixing and mastering process. He is trained as a musician and sound engineer also. Many mixed and mastered musical compositions have been created by himself and he has released three albums "Open your eyes".
The studio is being built with a passion, equipped with audio devices including digital and analog equipment which are considered to be the best ever made.
Variety of classic compressors, limiters and equalizers used to mixing and mastering caused that the studio has been considered as unique and unusual. The Lipinski Sound - Signature reference monitoring system used for listening musical compositions may help with improving sound quality and correct subtle imperfections that would otherwise go unnoticed. Digital converters used will not permit for any loss in mixing and mastering process. Each of used audio devices including the old ones and the newest are supported in a very good technical condition which cause their readiness for work in any time.
Many of analog devices were modified to improve sound quality. 72 channels with additional compression and equalization give full possibilities. All connection between devices are made only with professional Vovox sound conductors which are hand-assembled in Switzerland.
The studio is designed to be an optimal listening environment for audio. This means not only a quiet room, but also correct acoustical treatment that allows sound to be presented in clear crisp detail.
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